Our Yellow Rose Bear with "I Love You" White Heart is a sunlit symbol of joy and affection. Spanning between 59 to 83 inches, each bear radiates happiness with its vibrant yellow synthetic roses. A pristine white heart centers the bear, spelling "I Love You" with roses in a matching sunny hue. Artisan-crafted with attention to detail and sustainable practices, it features a 3D-printed frame for lasting memories.
Are the roses authentic? Yes, we use high-quality synthetic roses for a lasting keepsake.
What is the crafting time for this Rose Bear? The creation of each bear takes 14-20 days, reflecting the meticulous handcrafted process.
What materials are used in the making of the bear? We use eco-responsible 3D-printed materials for the internal structure to ensure durability and sustainability.
Our Yellow Rose Bear with "I Love You" White Heart is a sunlit symbol of joy and affection. Spanning between 59 to 83 inches, each bear radiates happiness with its vibrant yellow synthetic roses. A pristine white heart centers the bear, spelling "I Love You" with roses in a matching sunny hue. Artisan-crafted with attention to detail and sustainable practices, it features a 3D-printed frame for lasting memories.
Are the roses authentic? Yes, we use high-quality synthetic roses for a lasting keepsake.
What is the crafting time for this Rose Bear? The creation of each bear takes 14-20 days, reflecting the meticulous handcrafted process.
What materials are used in the making of the bear? We use eco-responsible 3D-printed materials for the internal structure to ensure durability and sustainability.