
正常价格 $88.00 USD
销售价格 $88.00 USD 正常价格

帶著Imaginary Worlds的Hebe蘋果禮盒永恆的愛:藍白玫瑰版踏上一段迷人之旅,永恆的優雅與異想天開的設計交織在一起。蘋果形寶藏的藍色象徵著信任、忠誠和智慧,為神奇的體驗奠定了基礎。裡面鑲嵌著一朵純淨的白玫瑰,象徵純潔和純真,高8-10厘米,散發著永恆的奉獻情感。

Eternal Love Gift Box: Forever Yours

Discover the Red Apple Eternal Love Gift Box, where classic elegance meets personalized charm. This unique gift box features a preserved red rose and customizable necklace options, making it the perfect choice for expressing enduring love on romantic occasions, across long distances, or with a personalized touch. Celebrate your special moments with a keepsake that symbolizes deep, everlasting love.

Unveil the Perfect Symbol of Everlasting Affection for Every Special Occasion